Thursday, November 1, 2007

Picking Color

So, the great search begins.

It appears that our little "love nest" won't be able to fit the "three of us" so we have begun our search for a home. Of course, for me that begs the question... what colors will you use? I figure that's a logical question, because before you can move in you need to know colors, as colors set the tone for your living spaces. Will you use cooler tones to make a relaxed atmosphere, or brighter shades to draw attention and to excite or warm colors to invite and envelop? Well... it turns out we didn't change a whole lot from our apartment currently, just brought the shades all down one notch and into one cooler tone range...which means we are still a contemporary neutral-natural household. What else would you expect from the Davis'?

Of course, there was one new room to add to the color wheel and as Joshua and I have decided we do not want to know the gender of our firstborn, we have gone with a green and brown palate for the nursery. We hope the layout and tone will be much like the above photograph: clean, minimalistic and simple. I mean, babies shouldn't need much beyond that, right?

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