Joshua and I have started observing one day of rest, a day of nothing. No business, no bills, no house work, no family issues, just kicking back and relaxing. This last week, Joshua worked through the weekend, but I was reminded of this concept and though we had moved my brother into his new apartment and had a slew of messes to pick up and reorganize, I spend the day in repose. I put Michael Becker in the stereo, lit a couple aromatherapy candles and enjoyed reading the August magazines I didn't get to pour over. Monday came, as it always does, a little too quickly, but I was rested and had found time to smell the flowers and trim back my rosemary plant and take time for me. As I loaded up my computer, I found a new email from a company I get daily quotes from and it said:
"How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterward" — Spanish proverb
I couldn't agree more.
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